The Co-op Board is the governing body of the school – an active, strong group of dedicated parents and members of the Northaven United Methodist Church that assist the Preschool Director in making all the important administrative decisions. The Co-op Board meets monthly at the school to discuss a wide range of topics, from financial management and fundraising to planning and school policy. Meetings are open, and parents and staff are welcome to attend.
Conducts business of the Co-op Board and coordinates duties of Board Members; votes in case of a tie.
Past President
Assists the President and serves on Board Development Committee; does not vote.
Assists the President and serves on Board Development Committee.
Keeps minutes of each Board Meeting, provides a copy to Board President for inclusion in the Board packet, posts a copy on the bulletin board for the Co-op membership, performs all Board-related correspondence.
Supervises Fundraising Committee, coordinates school sales of spirit wear, reports status updates from Silent Auction and Carnival Chair to the Board.
Cultivates inclusiveness within the Co-op community through school-wide events and off-campus activities, arranges parent-led service projects to support the school and its mission.
Publicizes the school throughout the year; maintains all social media accounts.
Parent Services
Involves parents in the school through School Committees and Fundraising Committees, oversees parent performance of duties.
Assists Director in interviewing and hiring of staff and in staff evaluation of school program, reports results of program evaluation to the Board.
Keeps financial records, disburses monies, reports current financial standing of the school at each Board Meeting, provides copies of the same to Board Members, represents Co-op Board to the Finance Commission of the Church, presents reports of Fundraising to the Board.
Attends and participates in Board Meetings but does not vote, attends Leadership Council Meetings of the Church, purchases equipment and supplies, supervises teachers and office coordinator, screens teacher applicants, holds parent orientations, publishes Handbook, handles public relations and registration, is responsible for meeting NAEYC and state licensing standards in the day-to-day operation of the school, delegates suggestions and concerns to appropriate Board Members.
Church Director of Children – Jen Hanson
Church Member-at-Large – Carrie Wise
Northaven Co-operative Preschool is an experience-based morning educational program where parents share the joys of learning with their children.
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